Best-Selling Author Kimberla Lawson Roby Talks to GMO

Tuesday, 13 September 2011 02:10 Written by  Frances Moffett

Author Kimberla Lawson Roby never initially considered a career in writing a part of her future. Now, 15 novels later, she is one of the top-selling authors in her lane. Born and raised in Rockford, Ill., Kimberla worked in the areas of government contracts, state public assistance, personal banking, human resources and city community development.

Further, and before becoming a full-time writer, she was a financial analyst for the City of Rockford—quite a different path for someone in the literary world. Her infamous “The Reverend Curtis Black” series, starting with Casting the First Stone, has covered such controversial topics as the black church to infidelity, and in her newest work, Secret Obsession, she tackles the subject of jealousy between one of the closest bonds we have—sisters.


GlossMagazineOnline (GMO): When did you decide that you wanted to make writing your career?

Kimberla Lawson Roby: Writing was never a life-long dream of mine; however, as I continued working in various positions, I soon began feeling as though there was something else I should be doing—something else I truly wanted to do on a daily basis. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly, but then I thought back to comments I’d heard from elementary, junior high and high school teachers and even professors in college. Many of them had suggested that I follow a career in writing, and while I’d never taken those comments seriously, in 1995, I finally decided I would. This was when I sat down and wrote my first novel, Behind Closed Doors. Then, after receiving a good number of rejection letters from both literary agents and editors at publishing houses, my husband and mom encouraged me to self-publish it, and I did.


GMO: How do you gain inspiration for your novels?

Kimberla: My inspiration is fueled almost completely by my readers. They are the people who keep me 100 percent encouraged, and they are also the folks who I am thinking of as I write one story after another.

GMO: Were you shocked when the “Curtis Black” series was so well received?

Kimberla: Yes, I was extremely surprised because not once as I was writing the first book in the series, Casting the First Stone, did I plan to write a series about the main character, Reverend Curtis Black. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t until I continued hearing from readers for nearly four years afterward that I finally decided to write the sequel. I was also encouraged to do so by my literary agent who told me that because I had such loyal readers, I had an obligation to give them what they were asking for, and I quickly agreed. Now, next year, the ninth title in the series will be published.

GMO: How did you develop that storyline in that series? You’re covering some pretty controversial topics.

Kimberla: Well, actually, it was my husband’s idea that I write about problems within the church. As I was brainstorming story ideas for my third book, I’d told him how I really wanted this particular book to be something that everyone would be able to relate to, people from any race and from any walk of life. So, he said, “What about all of the issues going on in churches?” And that’s when I outlined Casting the First Stone.

GMO: How did the story of Paige and Camille come about in your new novel, Secret Obsession?

Kimberla: I’ve always sort of been fascinated at how some people, women in particular, tend to be secretly envious of other women who are their sisters, friends, cousins, co-workers, etc. So I thought it would be interesting to write about a woman who is so jealous of her older sister she can barely stand it, and how she is willing to do anything to break up her sister’s marriage and go after her husband.

GMO: With all the books you’ve written, how do you keep developing fresh content and new ideas?

Kimberla: Over the years, I’ve continually compiled a list of topics that I’d love to write about in a notebook, so because of this, I am able to write about something different with each novel.

GMO: What advice do you have for aspiring authors?

Kimberla: Learn the craft of writing, but don’t lose your own style of writing in the process. Write straight from the heart and never mimic another writer. Also, learn absolutely everything you can about the business of publishing, as well as how to market and promote your work to the utmost.

GMO: What are some of your future endeavors?

Kimberla: My desire is to continue writing at least one book per year and preferably two. I also have other writing projects I’d like to work on at some point, along with the writing of my full-length books.

Learn more about Kimberla on her website at, on Facebook or on Twitter at @KimberlaLRoby.


Frances Moffett

Frances Moffett

GMO Editor-At-Large Frances Moffett is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a Bachelor of Arts in journalism. She has worked with GMO since its inception. With a love for journalism and all things writing, she is currently pursuing her master’s degree in public relations and advertising from DePaul University. Frances is also an editor at the country’s largest association management company and has written for a variety of publications, including Jet magazine, The Chicago Defender and The Chicago Reporter.

Frances can be contacted at

Follow her on Twitter: @FrancesMMM


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