Music Therapy

Monday, 03 September 2012 20:45 Written by  Ebony L. Morman

“One thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain...” -Drake

As a man of many words, Drake has too many lines to count that stand out and stick inside of your brain for “Forever,” right? But, one of my favorite lines is one of his simpler ones and it couldn’t be more true.

Music has a way of touching your soul while the lyrics to some songs give you life. In my opinion, it’s the best therapy that one can buy and probably the cheapest, too. For some, it’s even free. And, you can’t beat that.

Of course, I have music playing in the background as I sit here watching each letter transform into words on my computer screen. In the “wee” hours of the morning, this is my therapy.

In an instant, my mind transports into another realm. I’m taken away from this moment. I’m visiting my happy place –– if only for a moment. It still amazes me that music has the ability to have such an effect on emotions. There’s definitely power in music.

Music is everywhere –– all the time.

When you exercise, your iPod is on; when you’re hanging with friends, music is playing; when you’re driving/riding, it’s very seldom in silence; when you’re relaxing, soothing tunes are in the background and even during church service, music vibrates through the building. It’s in almost every aspect of our lives, which is great.

One unnerving aspect about music is that it’s constantly changing. Although, the more it changes, the more it stays the same. The “players” may change or the sound may differ a bit, but it’s comforting to know that most of what is coming through our speakers was created to make us feel good and/or evoke some form of emotion. The amazing part is that more times than not, it succeeds.

While there are no other Marvin Gayes, Michael Jacksons and Whitney Houstons of the world, their music lives on and that’s the beauty of it. Pop in Michael Jackson’s greatest hits and even if you weren’t born in his era, you are taken back to the very moment the music was created. With the power of music, the Michael of the 80’s is the same Michael that stays with us today. The same remains true for many of the greats and those who are on their way to greatness.

One thing that is comforting is that there’s no way that music is disappearing. Well, we hope not.

But, what exactly is it about music?

The world may never know.

Ebony L. Morman

Ebony L. Morman

GMO's Senior Editor Ebony L. Morman received her B.A. in journalism from Northern Illinois University and her master’s in journalism from Columbia College Chicago. The Chicago-native enjoys writing about almost anything, but since she also has a passion for music, writing reviews of albums has become one of her favorite past times. Aside from GMO, Ebony freelances for a variety of publications and volunteers in her community.

Ebony can be contacted at
Follow her on Twitter at @EbonyEyes_GMO


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