“I had a lot of questions like who am I and how do I emerge from this situation,” Kim admits. “We dig deep in the book, and it’s a question at the end of every chapter where women can answer that fundamental question, who am I?”
Kim says she started to write down all of her thoughts and was getting to know who she was as a person. The journal evolved into a book that touches the lives of women and teens who can relate to the stories in it. She considers the book to be a roadmap for people who are going through pain and now is experience freedom.
“A lot of people are going through so much pain because we are not being true to who we really are,” she says. The book helps people get from that place of pain to embracing who they are.”
She has been a motivational speaker for many years, speaking to women in church organizations, workshops and retreats, and she also talks to teen groups. Kim explains that she found out it was a passion for her to give back and talk about what she learned in life. She teaches life lessons to women and notices that teen girls have similar needs.
“I discovered that they are just likes us; the same fundamental needs that we have are just so similar,” she admits. “Writing the book was an eye opener because we are all the same whether we are 7 years old or 70.”
Recently, Kim started her own publishing company, Lakefront Press, for her future book and also to help other authors. Lakefront Press is a significant name for Kim because the lake was a place she visited for healing and quiet. She said it was a place for devotion and has received a lot of inspiration from sitting by the lake.
Kim would like to expose different people, young and old, who are interesting in publishing to ways to get published the traditional way or self-publishing. “I believe that there is so much potential in us all, if we don’t know the options that are available for us then we won’t step out and experience certain things,” she adds.
Besides writing and speaking, Kim is working on a jewelry line and continuing her “Authentically Me” t-shirt line. Also, she is working on coaching individuals on tools to use to finish a book and the publishing process.
To stay in contact with Kim Bady visit her website Kimbadytv.com and also follow her on Twitter/Facebook. Her book “Authentically Me” can be purchased on her website and Amazon.